I just wanted to cull together some information on the so-called "blank rune", by providing direct links to webpages of some authority and knowledge on the subject.
In short, historically, traditionally, there was never such a thing as a blank rune. For starters, the runes are not the staves, wood chips, or clay cookies that one may buy or make; the symbols themselves
are the runes. Therefore, a blank rune is a blank symbol; a contradiction, an oxymoron. It is also redundant and unnecessary, as the traditional runes more than cover the meaning ascribed to the "blank" rune.
The blank rune was introduced to the world in the 1980s courtesy of one Ralph Blum, who not only came up with the blank rune, but also decided to completely change the order and arrangement of the Futhark! Perhaps even worse, he consulted the i-Ching to help him ascribe meaning to the runes.
Needless to say, this horrified traditionalists. If there is one group out there who is opposed to new-age meddlings in their tradition, it's people who follow the Northern ways - Heathens, Asatru, Odinists, Vitkis, Runemasters, etc.
Below are direct links that set the record straight.
http://www.sunnyway.com/runes/blank_rune.html http://www.mackaos.com.au/Articles/Blank.html http://www.runemaker.com/futhark/blankrune.shtml An interesting take, which I personally agree with:
http://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/perthro-rune-meaning-analysis And last but not least, a hilarious bit of ingenious parody -don't miss this!