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The Elder Futhark / Isa / Re: Isa - Impressions
on: February 26, 2011, 01:29:27 PM
Isa is one of those runes which has an element that is often glossed over, but maybe because only the OERP mentions it:
Ice is very cold and immeasurably slippery; it glistens as clear as glass and most like to gems; it is a floor wrought by the frost, fair to look upon.
One keyword I frequently see authors associate with Isa is "contraction". I'm not quite sure how to take this. Technically, water doesn't contract when it freezes to ice, just the opposite- it expands. However, if what is meant is that freedom of movement is restricted, then I would agree. No doubt in the cold heart of winter, the Northern peoples had trouble sailing their ships freely.
My take on the association of 'contraction' with this rune is that cold and ice cause other things that they touch to contract - metal is a good example. The effect being that the touch of Isa, or the influence is Isa, is to cause contraction in that which it touches or influences. It causes progress to contract - slow or stop. I find it a viable interpretation.
Runes and Lore / Runes- General Discussion / Re: Practical Rune Magic
on: February 26, 2011, 01:20:45 PM
Quick and easy ways to use runes magically are to inscribe them singly on candles, as was mentioned. My favourite way to use them, however, is to use wood or tree nuts and shells to hold inscriptions. My current favourite is using sequoia cones (giant redwood). They are wonderful and hold a lot of power. Then I seal them with resins or beeswax, depending on the intended use of the resulting token. I will cut my runes, not burn or paint them for the most part, first having blackened my blade over a flame.
I love this Patrima, using nuts and shells to hold inscriptions - a bit like a little message in a bottle. Reminds me of a film I watched as a child about cinderalla, I think it was dubbed, maybe it was german, something beautifully different to how its mostly told - anyway! LOL! (I will get back on subject!) in the film cinderella visited a forest and she found a nut, which when opened it she pulled out a whole satin dress and shoes to wear to a ball, all in that little nut - your idea for the nuts just reminded me of the magic of this That is wonderful! I'd love to see this movie... And yes- the nuts and cones inscribed with runes are like messages in bottles - exactly!! Because seeds are the beginnings of new life, they can birth the magic that the runes represent and contain. That's why I think it is so important to understand exactly what pieces one is putting together and sealing into the bottle - you must be sure of what it will give birth to and grow to be.
Runes and Lore / Runes- General Discussion / Re: Debunking the "Blank" rune
on: February 24, 2011, 02:37:43 PM
just wondering, (I havent read through these yet, but I know you know a fair bit about the Runes! ) has there ever been any cases in history of rune tablets being made and being left blank as part of a set (perhaps the blank being given under the mis-truth of being a 'spare', so that the maker could put a 'hidden' rune symbol on it? I am not talking about the Blume runes though! LOL! What I mean is, if you were mark a 'rune' onto something, with something invisible to the eye - even just your spit if you were in the nasty-teach them a lesson mood! then this would be a powerful tool in magic, and perhaps because the recipient can't see it it would be quite stubborn in remaining with them - or it could add protection to that person without their knowledge. Just wondering! This is an interesting question... Personally, I think that the physicality of the process of carving/painting runes onto a surface that is thereafter altered permanently by the process contains at least some part of the magic. I take a stick, otherwise pristine, I carve onto it a rune. The result is something greater than the two elements....does that make any sense? Patrima
Runes and Lore / Runes- General Discussion / Re: Practical Rune Magic
on: February 24, 2011, 02:23:03 PM
I have yet to get into this too deep or use it myself, but I'm sure the possibilities are endless. Do you use runes for spellcasting or other forms of magic? What's your preferred way of going about it? (If you don't mind sharing, that is! ) Well, I finally have some time to participate in this forum. I use runes magically almost exclusively. The divination aspect eludes me and is one of the reasons why I have joined this forum. However, I can be useful and contribute with regards to this topic (phew!) Quick and easy ways to use runes magically are to inscribe them singly on candles, as was mentioned. My favourite way to use them, however, is to use wood or tree nuts and shells to hold inscriptions. My current favourite is using sequoia cones (giant redwood). They are wonderful and hold a lot of power. Then I seal them with resins or beeswax, depending on the intended use of the resulting token. I will cut my runes, not burn or paint them for the most part, first having blackened my blade over a flame. The most important thing, to me, however, is the careful planning of which runes to use. They are all very powerful and magic wrought with them works well and quickly. So it is really important that I am sure I am using the runes that will support my intention and the time-frame in which I hope to see results. Sometimes, I don't want an 'overnight' change, I want gradual development and change over time. Some runes support one over the other. There's 'change' and then there's 'Change' to speak. I work a lot with bind runes and spend a long time choosing combinations and reworking them to get what I need. I generally use three, and I consider numerology when I make my decisions. I have created a bind rune which I have transferred to a canvas mat that I use when path-working. I learned the bind rune combination in a dream, and it was given to me as strong protection for wandering in Other.
General Category / Introductions / Re: Hi
on: February 17, 2011, 05:50:26 PM
Hi there! I am so glad to see you picking up the runes and getting into them. Grym's set up a great resource here.
General Category / Introductions / hi everyone
on: February 17, 2011, 05:45:10 PM
Hi there, I am really happy that this forum got started up. Runes have been the one constant in my witchy life and are my 'first love', so to speak. I make them, I use them, I think about them a lot. I use them primarily for spell working and other magical purposes and they have never failed me. Their power is just incredible. I am not the best diviner in the world, and so have not spent nearly enough time using them for this purpose. Hopefully this forum will provide the incentive I need. Cheers, Patrima