Title: "Marking" runes Post by: willynilly on August 31, 2011, 01:10:31 PM I have to close up my altar after use and for that reason found myself disconnected from my tools. I decided to name my athame and did a naming ritual. It worked very well and I not only feel more connected but it increases the feeling of energy when I hold it. I have decided to mark my runes. They are wood with the runes burned in. I am going to make some dragon's blood ink and add some blood and mark them and then sleep with them to attach myself to them. This is what I did with the athame until I got the name. Any thoughts on this or has anyone done something like this to feel more connected with their runes?
Title: Re: "Marking" runes Post by: Grymdycche on August 31, 2011, 06:07:34 PM Personally I have not, but it sounds well, sound. I haven't completed my own runes yet, I keep putting it off. (I know, shame on me). I've got the pieces all cut out from an ash branch, but haven't carved/burned the runes in yet.
I think anything that helps you to feel more in touch with your personal tools is a major plus. Title: Re: "Marking" runes Post by: willynilly on August 31, 2011, 07:42:10 PM It worked well for the athame so I'm gonna try it.