Title: quick question about the 'show new post' button Post by: winter night on April 06, 2011, 03:10:56 AM Hiya!
I just wondered, I have been popping back and forth having a nosy to see if there are any new posts- just using the new posts button (thought if was my friend, maybe not!)- most times nothing comes up, but I have just seen that you posted a reply to one I made ages ago, and I am sure this never popped up when I hit that button recently. Just wanting to check whether there are any glitches, as sometimes the new post/replies to posts doesn't seem to pick up on the new stuff? Just wondering if anyone else found this happening too - its just I popped in, thought no-one had posted anything for ages, and wondered where you'd all gotten to! hope you can help, unless its just my damn computer! ;D ;) Title: Re: quick question about the 'show new post' button Post by: Grymdycche on April 06, 2011, 09:43:45 AM Hmm... I'll have to look into that.
I've always just gone by the rune icon colors to the left of each board section. It's colorless when all posts in a section are read, but it will have color when there's something new. (I had to create separate images for that to work) Argh.. I just checked.. you mean the "Show unread posts since last visit" link? ..it doesn't appear to work. :-\ I thought maybe if a user was always logged in it wouldn't "take effect", and you had to log out and back in, but I did that and it still made no difference. Must be a glitch with the forum software, or, caused by my choice of theme maybe. I'll look into it. But for now, just keep your eye on the rune icons -they'll let you know if there's a new post. Title: Re: quick question about the 'show new post' button Post by: winter night on April 08, 2011, 02:32:19 AM phew! thought everyone had vanished! might be worth letting others know incase they were popping in and thinking the same!
thanks for helping me with this one! :) Title: Re: quick question about the 'show new post' button Post by: Grymdycche on April 08, 2011, 09:06:20 AM Now today, it worked fine.
I checked on the Simple Machines Forum, it seems be an intermittent bug in the software. Lots of admins running SMS seem to have this issue, and no one can quite put their finger on it. For now, just keep an eye on the rune icons; they'll tell you if there's a new post in their board at a glance. No new posts: icon looks like this --> (http://www.phrets.com/runeforum/Themes/bermena_/images/off.gif) New posts, the icon looks like this --> (http://www.phrets.com/runeforum/Themes/bermena_/images/on.gif) Alternatively, you can look at the very bottom of the index page, all new posts are listed there as well. |