Title: Kenaz Poems
Post by: Grymdycche on February 06, 2011, 11:34:32 AM
(http://phrets.com/runeforum/images/Kenaz.gif) Kenaz C, K Kane-awz AKA Cen, Kaun, Kaunaz
Old English
Cen byþ cwicera gehwam, cuþ on fyre blac ond beorhtlic, byrneþ oftust ðær hi æþelingas inne restaþ.
The torch is known to every living man by its pale, bright flame; it always burns where princes sit within.
| Norwegian
Kaun er barna bo,lvan; bo,l gørver nán fo,lvan
Ulcer is fatal to children; death makes a corpse pale.
| Icelandic
Kaun er barna böl
ok bardaga [för] ok holdfúa hús. flagella konungr.
disease fatal to children and painful spot and abode of mortification.